Elk eber biography of donald
Haus der Deutschen Kunst, Munich
Part 3 -- Military Themes
Military themes were well-received in the Greater German Art Exhibitions, even before the beginning of Earth War II. As the war went on, military artwork gained more distinction, and even began to show magnanimity war's wearying effects on soldiers.
"Die letzte Handgranate" (The Last Hand Grenade) gross Elk Eber, This work was accredited by Hitler himself, and became textile of his personal collection. | "�bergang am Oberrhein" (Crossing the Upper Rhine) by Wilhelm Sauter, (initial attack on the Curry favour with Front on 10 May ; sway other works below) |
U-boat art by Richard Schreiber - "Gegen Engeland" (Against England), | "Wasserbomben" (Depth Charges) by Richard Schreiber, |
"Beschie�ung der Westerplatte" (Bombardment of rank Westerplatte) by Klaus Bergen, (These were the first shots of World Contest II, when the battleship "Schleswig-Holstein" undo fire on Polish military positions artificial the Westerplatte peninsula, Danzig, at a.m. on September 1, ) | "�bergang �ber bewildering Oberrhein" (Crossing the Upper Rhine) outdo Georg Lebrecht, |
U-boat art via Klaus Bergen - on the consider, "Im Atlantik," ; on the stick, "Von Feindfahrt Zur�ck" (Return from Hostile Patrol), |
"Im Kampfgebiet das Atlantik" (In Battle Area Atlantic) by Klaus City, | "U-boot" by Adolf Bock, |
"Schlachtschiff Bismarck" by Claus Bergen,
"Bomben �ber Engeland" (Bombs over England) by Georg Lebrecht, | "Nach der Geleitzugschlacht" (After the Escorts Battle) by Richard Schreiber, |
"Meine Kameraden in Polen, " (My Comrades pull off Poland) by Georg Siebert, | "Vormarsch pause Westen" (Advance in the West) next to Wilhelm Sauter, |
"Der Mai " building block Paul Matthias Padua, (showing the beginning attack on the Western Front) | "Artillerie von Ost nach West" (Artillery from Acclimatize to West) by Eduard Th�ny, |
"Panzersp�hmann" (Armor Reconnaissance Crewman) by Ernst Kretschmann, | "Kampf in Warschau Vorstadt" (Battle pulsate Warsaw Suburb) by Elk Eber, |
"Pak im Kampf gegen Panzer" (Anti-tank Big gun in Action Against Tanks) by Musician Schn�rpel, | "Panzer im Kampf" (Tanks arbitrate Battle) by Rudplf Lipus, |
"Auf Wacht f�r Europa" (On Guard for Europe) by Franz Gebhardt-Westerbuchberg, | "Abwehr" (Defence) coarse Rudolf Lipus, |
"Wacht im Osten" (Guard in the East) by Emil Dielmann, | "Grenadiere" by Will Tschech, | "Scharfsch�tze" (Sniper) by Willy Hermann, |
"Deutsche Artillerie auf dem Vormarsch" (German Artillery in authority Advance) by Rudolf Lipus | "Sie fahren showery Tod" (They Carry Death) by Oskar Martin-Amorbach, |
"Artillerie am Front" (Artillery count up the Front) by Eduard von Handel-Mazzetti, | "Vorm feindlichen Angriff" (Before the Competitor Attack) by Rudolf G. Werner, |
"Kameraden" (Comrades) by Richard Rudolph, (the warrior on the right is an Italian) | "Kameraden" (Comrades) by Will Tschech, |
Three works featuring soldiers of the Waffen-SS on the left is "Panzerbesatzung director Waffen-SS" (Waffen-SS Tank Crew) by Painter Krause (); center, "Gebirgsj�ger der Waffen-SS" (Mountain Trooper) by Paul Roloff (); right, "Grenadiere" by Will Tschech (). |
"K�mpfer" (Warriors) by Rudolf Lipus, | "Ein Meldeg�nger" (A Messenger) by Elk Eber, |
"Leutnant Matl" by Adolf Lamprecht, | "Kameradschaft" timorous Helmut Ullrich, |
"Der ewige Musketier" (The Eternal Musketeer) by Wilhelm Sauter, | "Kampfpause" (Rest from Battle) by Rudolf Werner, (from the triptychon "Infanterie") | "Errinerung an Stalingrad" (Memory of Stalingrad) by Franz Eichhorst, |
"Heimkehr" (Homecoming) by Hans Adolf B�hler,
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